8 Care Tips For Your Skin And Hair During The Cold Season

Address hard water head-on

Year-round, hard water can contribute to dry skin and hair, but many people notice the effects grow even worse in the winter.

Go easy on the exfoliants

If the winter air leaves you breaking out, it’s natural to want to turn to an exfoliant to help you unclog your pores.

Switch up your pillowcases

If you’re still using a cotton pillowcase, you’re sabotaging both your skincare and haircare regimens.

Increase your vitamin D intake

Vitamin D deficiency is already common, with half the population receiving an insufficient amount of it.

Remember your SPF

Even on grey, dark winter days, it’s important that we protect our skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Avoid heat styling

There are many reasons why our hair dries out in the winter, including the cold weather outside and the dry air from central heating that welcomes us indoors.

Use products with collagen

One of the best things you can do to avoid an endless cycle of new

Focus on moisturizing

There’s no reason to accept dry, patchy or cracked skin as a natural consequence of the cold weather.

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